Monday, July 28, 2014

The Destroyer Turret Mk I

A few days ago I was working on my first big turret in Space Engineers. My intent was that maybe it could be used as a primary weapon on heavy space destroyers, and maybe as a secondary weapon on cruisers.

Here's a screenshot of it in the late development stage with a yellow respawn ship for scale.
Since this picture I have changed part of the barrel extension to blast door blocks so that I could fit bulletproof glass to the sides and between them. The heavy armor on the top is completely optional. I had put it there when paper sensitivity at the controls would easily smash the barrels through the roof.

Here is a more exact readout of it's capabilities and features:

Firepower: Two large ship rocket launchers, quite devastating when firing rapidly.
Rotational Characteristics: Full 360 degree horizontal turning, 0 - 45 degrees of vertical angle.
Power Requirements: A tiny fraction of a small reactor's output.
Gyroscopes: 7 total, 6 of which control horizontal rotation (may change).
Tips: Use arrow pad to rotate accurately, with a bonus of looking both realistic and cool!
Potential Modifications: Could replace side windows with armor for added protection but would have to add another pilot to call out targets from third person view.

Cockpit view. I couldn't finish the center and left glass strips because the rotor displacement stubbornly wouldn't change.

If you have any suggestions to fix it please leave them in the comments, Thank You.

Damage Test on 5x5x3 block of light armor. Further examination revealed that many of the first layer blocks had been destroyed and that the second layer had been heavily damaged.

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